Originally published in The Conservative Post
The decline of our party and the rejection of our government have appalled the committed Conservative grassroots.
We saw it coming and were echoing Simon Clarke’s shout of ‘iceberg!’ at the tops of our voices; but to no avail. Our ship of state ploughed on to disaster.
The Prime Minister – a personable man who had done his best – has done the right thing and stepped aside for new leadership to take us forward. However, a lesser-known but equally important leadership election is taking place: that of the voluntary party, the National Convention (NC).
The NC officers sit on the Party Board and therefore have as much responsibility in party leadership as the parliamentary Party. Yet one of these officers, representing the last three years of status quo, is now standing for Chair. Is it too soon to warn of the impending shipwreck?
Here I felt the need to step in. I could not see the chairmanship of the NC go uncontested, not when I know that I am the right leader to speak for and represent the membership and take us in a bold, fresh direction. We need a leader who experienced the ordeal that led us to defeat at grassroots level; one who bears the battle scars, as an Association chair and as a candidate, and who offers solutions that are voiced with authenticity. Democracy and Conservative principles are my watchwords.
Democracy and Conservative principles are my watchwords.
I am vastly experienced both within and outside the party. I have a track record of chairing and rejuvenating various bodies, as well as serious fundraising. I am ready and able to take on the leadership of the National Convention and help get the Party back on track for government. And I stick to Conservative principals.
I don’t need to tell my fellow Association Chairs that we need to give their Associations the scope to select their candidates to the timetable and with the shortlist of their choosing. Only local members know the answers to the who and when, and neither should be overridden from on high.
Only then will members truly believe in their candidate, which of course has a knock-on effect for leadership elections given the role our MPs play in offering us the final shortlist to select from when it comes to the new party leader.
Our Associations are the foundation of our Party. Each one is different. We must appreciate and support them for what they are.
My recent time as a candidate is another huge motivation for me. The crazy game of musical chairs to match potential candidates to swathes of seats, after the election had been called, should never have happened, particularly when the timing of the election was our own Prime Minister’s gift.
The vital importance of the membership and the Associations is a conversation that is long overdue. My opponent may say he is a bringer of change, but he was on the Party Board for three years. The fact that he seems to have only now seen the light of the value of the members is baffling.
This has been a controlled position for many years. My mission is simple: present our members with a real choice.
My mission is simple: present our members with a real choice.
I have sought to organise an official hustings but have been told “nay”. There are no hustings being arranged by the NC, despite there being hustings last time the position was contested. I have asked for the contact details of the electorate and have been told once again “nay”. If you are a member of the NC and you are wondering why you haven’t heard from me, this is why. My opponent, on the other hand, has access due to his current position on the Board. Whether this election is a level playing field is for you to judge. Many of you will have read my leaflet and watched my video that was sent out by the NC; I mean every word.
An independent group has very kindly offered hustings. I am very keen, as I know that by getting in front of NC members, at least they will know what I stand for and understand the starkness of the choice before them. Sadly, my opponent has declined the opportunity.
This campaign has been a wonderful journey so far, with enthusiastic support offered by some truly fantastic people, motivated – as I am – by a deep desire to steer us back on track.
I am certainly David taking on Goliath in this battle, but I remind myself: David won.